Updated 05/31/19. Americans lose $68 billion each year to healthcare frauds, and dental frauds contribute some percentage towards it. The most notorious aspect of dental frauds have to do with dental implants, and the murky games dentists play to get clueless patients signed up for their service.

If you have looked up the internet for the "cheapest place to get dental implants", you might have realized the shaky grounds we are treading. It's really difficult to get any real information about the topic while you only stumble upon ads too good to be true.

Most of the articles, blog posts or advertisements have the important details hidden in fine print. Others persuade you to sign up for programs and lists only to reveal the real cost when you actually opt-in.

Dentists can be ready to do anything just to get you through the doors of their clinics, even if that means holding real information and costs about the procedure. You are likely to find yourself in troubled waters when going for such dentists who claim to provide dental implants for free.

We have decided to set things right and disclose all information you will need to know about dental implants. You will get a thorough look at the costs, and we will teach you how to spot-free dental implant scams. Then we will reveal the actual ways through which you can get free implants or save big time on your implant expenses.

Also Read:
10 Best Austin Dental Implants
11 Best San Antonio Dental Implants

Cost of Dental Implants

It seems really surprising when someone says that they are going to give you free dental implants because of the high costs involved in the process. You have to factor in many expenses such as the cost of the initial consultation, an inspection of your oral structure, cost of surgery, the price of the implants, fees of the dentist, cost of follow-up visits and so on.

free dental implant programs

Anyone would really find it difficult to keep offering dental implants for free as a part of their practice- who is going to bear all the costs? It also doesn't make sense for companies to offer their dental implants for free as they are here to turn up a profit.

So it's always wise to be wary of someone claiming to offer dental implants for free. Just to make you aware of the whole scenario, we are going to reveal the cost of dental implants. They are made up of different parts, and each of them needs you to pay the price. Also, the cost depends on whether you are going for a single tooth implant or a number of teeth.

Single Tooth Implant Prices

The price of a single tooth dental implantcan cost anything between $1,000 to $3,000in the United States. For the crown and abutment, expect to shell out $500 to $3,000. If you add them up, the total cost for a single tooth implant ranges between $1,500 and $6,000.

The above cost is the average rate when you pay it out of your pocket. The estimate includes charges such as the cost of an initial consultation and dental implant surgery, but your individual cost can be more depending on your circumstances.

Cost of Full Mouth Dental Implants

The expenses go on increasing for multiple teeth and become exorbitant when you go for a full mouth dental implant. Just to give you an idea, multiple teeth implants can make you light by $3,000 to $30,000 or more. It is applicable for patients need to replace more than one tooth.

The charges for replacing two to four teeth with good quality dental implants can be between $6,000 and $10,000. If you go for full mouth dental implants, you can shell out between $7,000 and $90,000 while the average cost hovers around $34,000. For a single plate denture that fits the top or lower gums come for $3,500 to $30,000. Now can you imagine someone giving you out free implants which cost you an arm and a leg!

Apart from the cost of the implants, there are also some other costs to consider. The dentist will need an X-ray or CT scan of your mouth to determine the exact locations for the implants. The images are also necessary for dental surgery, and the surgeon will refer to them as a blueprint. The cost of such a test can go up to $200 and add to your overall costs.

Sometimes, you may also be advised to undergo bone grafting. The procedure is meant for people who do not have enough bone in their jaw to house the implant. The surgeon will take a bone from other sources and place it in your jawbone. The cost of a lab-made bone or one sourced from a cow can come for $250 to $1,100.

The surgeon may also use a bone from your body parts such as the chin or the hip. The cost is much higher in this case and range between $2,000 and $3,000.

The exceptionally high prices of dental implants make it out of reach for most Americans. It's quite normal that people will be looking for free implants, so don't be hard on yourself if you are one of them. We will be letting you on the secrets of how to get a free dental implant, but before that let's give you a few tips on spotting free dental implant scams.

How to Identify Free Dental Implant Scams

You might be excited to find an ad from the local dentist's office claiming to offer free or low-cost dental implants. The ad also provides a number, so you pick up the phone and make the call. The dentist is really helpful and friendly and sets up an appointment for a free consultation. Sounds wonderful, right?

But your whole excitement dies down the moment you take the chair opposite to the dentist! It's the time when the dentist appears out of his friendly shell and comes down to hard selling. You understand that it has been a ploy from the beginning when the dentist points out the fine prints of the ad. The free dental implant offering was just a scam to lure people into his office.

You may not sign up for the implant when you get to know you have to pay for the procedure or the implant. But many people are not able to pull out of the trap and give in to the marketing tactics of the dentist. This is how the scam keeps going on, and the dentist keeps getting new victims to prey.

The dentist can have other tricks up his sleeve to fool you. He might say that he is going to offer you the implants for free, but you have to get the procedure done by him. Of course, the professional service and his time don't come for free and turns out to be really expensive. The discount he promised doesn't appear to be as attractive as before!

You might also be tricked with the good old concept of hidden fees. The dentist will say he is going to put the implants for free and you don't have to pay anything for the materials. But then you find the asterisk just next to the "Free" which reveals an endless spree of additional expenses. And what's even worse, the costs are inflated most of the times according to the dictate of the dentist!

Now you know that getting dental implants for free is not a garden of roses. You find no flowers but only thorns sharp enough to prick you! But don't lose hope as we are getting into the best part and will tell you how you can actually get dental implants for free or at great rebates.

The Reality: How to Reduce Cost of Your Dental Implant or Get it Free

You must be thinking that it's impossible to get dental implants at low cost. But we can give you a few insights that can make the service completely free or slash the overall rates.

We are going to list some of the ways, but you have to put in your effort and do your homework. If you think you are too short of time or don't want to put in the effort, you can go to a regular dentist and pay up the costs. We are talking about an investment here, so the path you want to tread is completely up to you!

But if you want to save your money, then do give it a try. You will only need to invest some of your time and do a little online research to take advantage of low-cost or free dental implants.

Get Low Cost or Free Dental Implants at a Dentistry School

Getting your implants done from a dental college or dentistry school is one of the best ideas to reduce the cost of the procedure. The students in the dentistry schools need to test subjects to hone their skills and practice their learning. They perform various dental care procedures and installing dental implants is one of them.

dental schools that do free dental implants

The procedure is performed by the students, and so the cost is much cheaper compared to a regular dentist. You can save up to 50% on the cost of your procedure and even better- you can qualify to get it completely for free!

You might think it is risky to let a student perform the procedure instead of an experienced dentist. But you can rest your worries as the students are always under the guidance and supervision of senior dentists who make sure everything is done properly. You can also find faculty clinics and postgraduate clinics in most of the schools.

Also, you are highly likely to have received dental care in a doctor's clinic or a hospital. Patients are often treated by medical students under the supervision and form an integral part of the country's health system with about 1,000 teaching hospitals and colleges.

You can search for local dentistry schools using the local online directory of your region. You will be able to find the dentistry schools located near you or even access programs for dental implants.

The American Dental Association also lists all the dentistry schools associated with it. It is an excellent source to find high quality and low-cost dental treatment.

The area you live in also impacts the availability of dental implant programs. If you are located in a moderately big city such as New York, Los Angeles or San Francisco, then you will find ample dental programs and dentistry schools to try your luck out. A large number of programs means that you can find dental implant procedures at lower costs.

Also, if the population of people in the city is low, then the dental colleges will be competing to get a hold of the less number of willing test subjects.

Opt for Clinical Trials

Many clinical studies and research programs need dental patients to conduct experiments or trials. The National Institutes of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) sometimes needs people with specific dental or oral conditions for their research.

The treatment or implant can be provided at reduced costs, and some of the well-funded research programs can also do it for free. You can visit the NIDCR platform to find all the trials that you may be eligible for.

The government also funds some of the trials which you can apply. Visit Clinical Trials website to discover the federally funded clinical trials.

Try Out Non-Profit Charity Organizations

Many non-profit organizations in the United States provide free and low-care dental implants to poor, homeless and disabled citizens. For example, The National Foundation of Dentistry for the Handicapped offers dental implants to disabled and medically compromised patients. The Special Care Dentistry Association treats the dental problems of people with special needs.

free dental implants for disabled

The great part is, you don't have to be sick or homeless to benefit from these programs. Many people who are eligible for such implants never go for such services- meaning you have many non-profit organizations ready to offer their services to you!

They already have their funds assigned and can face a shortage of eligible people. You can take advantage of the opportunity and try out one of these programs. Even if you don't qualify for free treatment, you can get the dental implants at highly reduced rates.

You can find a list of charities and non-profit organizations from the American Dental Association. You can also search for organizations in your county or state to get your implants done at affordable rates. For example, the organization called Dentistry From the Heart offers free implants to candidates who need cosmetic services.

There is one challenge in opting for such services offered by non-profit organizations. They may take a while to schedule your appointment as many people are applying for the implants. You may also have to wait for dental fairs or outreach programs arranged by these organizations. They generally hold them in one city or district before moving to another so you may have to wait for your turn.

You should find out about the programs and book your spot in advance to ensure you get a spot. If you don't mind a bit of waiting, this might be one of the best ways to get dental implants for free or at cheap rates.

Check with Your Insurance Provider

Most of the health insurance policies in the United States don't come with dental insurance. You need to go for a separate dental policy to cover costs like dental implants. But it doesn't cost you anything to ask your insurance provider if your dental implant costs will be covered.

You may have a particular set of circumstances around the need of implant which might cover some of the costs. The best way is to ask your provider if they are going to cover the dental implant cost.

The policy document is another resource which you should read thoroughly. There might be provisions under the policy that might help to include your implant charges. How can you find out if the charges are covered?

Read the specific procedures covered by your policy. You may be able to persuade your provider to compensate for your implant if the procedure can be accommodated under the policy. For example, if your dental policy covers pain, you may be able to argue that the implants will help you to get relief from the pain.

Before calling your insurance provider, you should make sure to read the policy carefully and get a consultation from your dentist. This will help you to negotiate with the customer representative and argue for the implant to be covered under your set of circumstances.

Depending on your conditions, your dental insurance provider may offer some secondary benefit. But remember that they will only cover a small percentage of the total cost but getting something is better than turning up with nothing!

Search for Free Dental Clinics

You may have visited a free clinic which provides free medical services. Generally, you will find a volunteer doctor who performs some diagnosis or a medical assessment. You will also be offered a free consultation and shown the right way to access resources for your treatment.

A free dental clinic provides the same type of services. You can get a dental screening and avail referral services to have your dental implants procedure carried out. The volunteer dentist may also help you out with some affordable dental plans or other resources to reduce your expenses.

Compare Cost of Implant Online

The internet is your friend, and it can help you manage your dental implant costs. It is possible to get free dental implants following the above methods, but taking recourse to the internet is another practical option. You can conduct a price comparison of dental implant procedures and choose wisely.

Let us tell you that this method will need some work and time from your end. But if you do a thorough job, you can save up a considerable amount of money.

You can use the internet to look up all the dentists in your area. Also, note down the particulars of all the dentist practitioners which show up on search results when you do a dental implant related search. After you have compiled the list, the next job is to call each one on the list and ask about their procedure and breakdown of services.

When you call a dentist office, ensure to inquire about all the details. This will include the cost breakdown so that you have a clear idea of what is involved. Also ask if the dentist will need other procedures such as surgery, anesthesia, bone graft, implant materials, sinus lift will be necessary and the diagnostics required.

Armed with the list and information, you can then zero in on the lowest cost options for all of the procedures. For example, you may choose a clinic with the lowest cost of diagnosis and settle for surgery at another clinic offering the lowest rate. You can also select the lab or company who are selling implants at low prices and go for a dentist with the lowest cost.

By opting for different providers offering their services at affordable rates, you can bring down the overall cost of the dental implant. If you live in a city with a lot of dentists, you can take advantage of the competition and opt for low fees dentists.

Search for Providers Outside Your City

It's great if you live in a city or county with a lot of dentists- that way you can expect some of them to charge lower fees due to the high competition. But if you live in a small town or city with fewer options, one of the best ways can be to venture out.

There's nothing that is keeping you restricted to the local clinics and dentists. You may be able to find other cities or regions with lower charges and cost of dental implants; you just need to break free!

There is also another popular trend you can cash in on- dental tourism. You can travel to chosen countries which have affordable dental care in comparison to the United States. For example, you can get your dental implants for just $600 in Mexico saving up to 70% on the total expenses.

You can also find affordable dental care in European countries such as Hungary and Poland. Some Asian countries and South American countries can also be your best bet for cheaper care.

Membership-Based Dental Discount Plans can Help Out

You may be missing out big time if you have never heard of discount dental programs or haven't tried them before. There are numerous such programs available in the United States which operate on the models of health maintenance organizations or HMOs.

The programs are membership-based and sign up a lot of people. You don't need to pay thousands of dollars towards annual insurance premiums and can enjoy discounts on your dental procedures with no yearly limit.

As many people subscribe to the discount plans, the providers enjoy the advantage of economies of scale. This way they can afford to offer considerable discounts as only a few of the members are using the privileges at a given time.

The discounts you derive as part of the plans can go up to 60%. That means if you have a total cost of $3,000 for your dental implant, you need to pay only $1,200 as a part of the plan!

The discount dental plans may not make your procedure free but can go a long way to cut back the expenses.

Look for Alternative Payment Methods

We are talking about paying off the expenses of your dental implants just like you would pay off your auto or home loan- in monthly installments. You might need to pay for the full cost of the procedure, but staggering the payments can work in your favor if you are on a tight budget.

Also Read: How to Finance Dental Implants

There are several dentists out there, and all of them may not be receiving good enough business all the time. They will certainly favor a new client, and you can then negotiate the payment terms. It may well happen that the dentist might accommodate your request just for his profit.

Let's say the total cost of the procedure turns up to be $30,000- you can then spread the payments over 60 months just like you repay an auto loan. The dentist may also allow a hybrid plan, where you pay the upfront costs through your credit card and repay the rest through adjusted monthly installments.

This type of payment system benefits both the dentist and the patient, more so if he doesn't have dental insurance. Dentists have to pay a fee to the insurance provider when the costs of a patient are covered by insurance. Typically this fee ranges from 5% to 15% of the policy value, which the dentist can save entirely by accepting payments out of your pocket. Also, when a dentist offers alternative payment schemes, it's more likely that he would get more non-insured patients of the same nature.

Your family dentist is more likely to offer installment payment as they have worked with you before. They know you and have trust in you and your family. Just go ahead and ask your dentist if he is ready to offer such payment schemes; the worst he can do is say no!

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Updated 05/31/19. Americans lose $68 billion each year to healthcare frauds, and dental frauds contribute some percentage towards it. The most notorious aspect of dental frauds have to do with dental implants, and the murky games dentists play to get clueless patients signed up for their service. If you have looked up the internet for …

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